Geoff Berg Is Litigious
Finally, a lawyer with a podcast! This is a show about the law, politics, jury trials, and what to expect when you’re expecting (to sue or be sued). Geoff Berg is a delightfully rambunctious trial lawyer with 30 years of experience. Based in Houston, he’s recovered or saved hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients. The extremely perceptive writers at the Houston Chronicle said Geoff is “one of the best-known experts and thinkers” in the city. He’s won all kinds of awards for lawyering and for radio, including ”Best Radio Talk Show” by the Houston Press. You can find Geoff and his work at
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
On the inaugural edition of his show, Houston trial lawyer Geoff Berg overrules fatuous cable news legal analysis, travels through time to 1997 to admonish Matt Damon / Rudy Baylor to stop violating the rules of evidence, and explains why he's decided to podcast these and other thoughts the world was no doubt clamoring for. Relatedly, you can check Geoff out at
Saturday Jun 22, 2024
Saturday Jun 22, 2024
Finally, a lawyer with a podcast! This is a show about the law, politics, jury trials, and what to expect when you're expecting (to sue or be sued). Geoff Berg is a delightfully rambunctious trial lawyer with 30 years of experience. Based in Houston, he's recovered or saved hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients. The extremely perceptive writers at the Houston Chronicle said Geoff is “one of the best-known experts and thinkers” in the city. He’s won all kinds of awards for lawyering and for radio, including "Best Radio Talk Show" by the Houston Press. New episodes every week.
Cybertrooper [the better version] by Sascha Ende
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